jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Plymouth Rock's Legacy - by me :)

A Thanksgiving Poem I wrote for Thanksgiving Day 1997 to help the boys fully understand what we were celebrating. I hope you and your families have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Plymouth Rock's Legacy

by Spirit


Twas the early 1600’s in England, across the sea,

When the king, James the First, sent out a new decree.

It said the Church of England was the only place to pray

And if you didn’t worship there you’d be sent away.

A large group of devout people said the king had no right,

To tell them where to worship their God of strength and might.

They left their home in England and for six years they stayed

In the countryside of Holland where their plans were laid.

The group departed Holland one hundred two in all,

And came to the New World so they could heed God’s call.

Many hardships faced them on the sea and on the land,

By the time they were settled only fifty-seven were in their band

The year was 1620 when their ship did dock

In the rough harbor right on Plymouth Rock.

They’d heard of the Savages who called the New World home

The Pilgrims greatly feared them so from their settlement didn’t roam.

Their new crops were failing they were sure to starve

When an Indian named Squanto showed up in their yard,

He’d been a white man’s captive so he spoke English well

He offered to aid them so their mission wouldn’t fail.

He showed them how to plant the native crop of corn

He showed them where to hunt and fish and America was born,

Following the directions the pilgrims were so pleased

The harvest was very bountiful their fear of starving had been eased.

They found that the Indians weren’t savages like they’d heard

And they knew their friend Squanto was a man of his word,

They wanted to thank the Indians and give assurance too

That they would live in peace with them as God would have them do.

So the Pilgrims sent a message telling the Indians of their plan

To hold a harvest festival honoring Squanto and his clan,

Ninety Indians came that day in answer to the call

And a mighty celebration was enjoyed by one and all.

Each Pilgrim at that feast was thankful in their heart

That God had led them to this land to give them a new start,

The Pilgrims and the Indians had no way to know

They’d started a tradition that everyone loves so.

Thanksgiving Day is special because it turns the heart of man

To remember it was God who brought our ancestors to this land,

In this day of cynics with separation of church and state

Thanksgiving Day reminds us its God who makes America great.

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