mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Accurized DPMS Oracle AR-10 w Night Vision

Up for sale is my barely used DMPS Oracle AR-10. This rifle has been accurized with the following options.

Timmy Drop In 3lb Trigger Group

Hogue Free Floating Grip

Vortex Muzzle Brake

Multi-Rail System

Optics Included

Armsight Gen1 Night Vision

Nikon AR P223 Rifle Scope with Burris PEPR Quick Detach mount

Eotech Holographic Weapon Sight

The rifle with with Nikon scope mounted will shoot groups inside a dime at 300 yards with Barnes Vortex ammo. The Eotech is great for hunting hogs off the back of a moving vehicle when quick shots are required at fairly close range. The GEN1 Night vision scope can allow you to make 100 yard shots with the illuminator installed. It's a perfect multi-purpose hog destruction machine.

The rifle will come with 2 extra magazines, bipods, and a brand new Pelican 1750 case. Putting a rifle like this one that is specifically setup like this will cost you well over $3000.00.

I am soliciting serious cash offers only. Please call me directly on my cell phone and i can show you the rifle and all the gear. Picture coming soon. I am looking to move this rifle this weekend if possible.


Corwin Moczygemba


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