samedi 12 juillet 2014

Important Update


Originally Posted by Ox Eye (Post 9742522)

School is out and summer is definitely here. Folks are going to be flocking to the water, fresh and salt, in droves to go boating. A bunch of you power your boat with non-ethanol gas because the alternative is nowhere near as good. After filling your tank at one of the very few ethanol-free gas stations in Texas, let me urge you to take the time to walk inside and profusely thank the owners for going to the extra effort to provide you this much needed product. Likely you have to go the extra mile to buy ethanol-free gas … so go the extra mile to let its providers know how much you appreciate them making it available to you. They deserve it!

I posted the above on 6/26 and since then I have found new information that makes it all the more important to "go the extra mile" to thank those folks that provide ethanol-free gas to their customers. They are going the extra mile for you!

From a random sampling that amounted to about a third of the total number of ethanol-free gas providers in the state of Texas, I personally, over a two-day period, called and thanked them for their efforts. I also engaged them in conversation, where I learned:

1) some of them get their supplies from a south Texas refinery

2) some of them get their supplies from a north Texas (panhandle) refinery

3) Most of them (approximately 75%) have their supplies trucked in from Louisiana

That last bunch are primarily located up and down the eastern Texas border, but then, that's where the bulk of the total are located. And, that may be why that's where the bulk of them are located. The point of focus, though, is that they are clearly going that "extra mile" for you. And that's deserving of your thanks!

Now, of course, that information begs the broader question of the circumstances involved where Louisiana can not only adequately supply its own 300+ businesses but the bulk of Texas businesses, as well, while Texas can't seem to manage supplies for way less than a third if the businesses Louisiana can handle.

For over a year I have been asking why Texas has so fewer ethanol-free providers than all those other states. This recent information, I think, makes the answer all the more imperative.

How can anyone not be even the least bit curious?

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