mardi 4 mars 2014

Sargent VFD fund Riaser

7th Annual Sargent VFD

BBQ Cook-Off and Fund Raiser

Saturday, April 19 2014

Sargent VFD

Hwy. 457 Sargent Texas

This year we are sanctioned by the IBCA and looking for teams, donations for both the silent and live auctions. We are raffling off a $4500.00 Club Cart Golf Cart, 65 qt. Yeti and a $200.00 Academy Gift card. So come out and enjoy the fun and support your local fishing Hole!!

For information on Signing up for the cook-off

Making Donations

Purchasing Raffle Tickets

Or any other questions feel free to contact me at any time.

Chuck Bonner

Training Officer

Sargent VFD


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