jeudi 28 août 2014

Chittim Ranch Deer Lease- 2013-2014 Holden Pasture "Part 2"

Here is a Video Miles put together from 5 evening hunts in 5 different stands last season on the Nunley Chittim -Holden Pasture Deer Lease. This ranch is a low fence and all deer are free range. with no introduced genetics. This video is off 1 SD card of 18 I gave him.. He is working on Part 3 now :).

This video has several bucks breading one doe so be prepared if you don't want the youngsters to watch deer breading.

The video also shows 2 management bucks being taken plus several hogs being taken with a bow.

Hope y'all like it.. Its almost season and we are getting pumped up!

Brett Holden

Watch in HD...

Click on the link to see video here

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