To be quite honest, the fishing has been far from wide open. It has definitely been a quality, not quantity bite for 2015. Can't really complain though, as we have all year long to catch the schoolies, so it is nice to be able to put in the time for the big girls and get rewarded with some true trophy yellowfin. The full moon really messed things up for a lot of us, and if it wasn't for a couple surprise makos, 2 weekends ago would have been really slow. Hooked one well north of 700 around 4:20 a couple weekends ago, got her to leader over a dozen times, and just couldn't seal the deal. She was either too deep for the shotgun, or just not in the best position for the harpoon. Swivel opened up a little after dark and we lost her. Super cool seeing her in the underwater lights though mere feet from my hands. Heartbreaker. Never thought I'd see a high dollar swivel open up. All ball bearing for me from now on. Got a little revenge a week later with a little 200# male. Got into the wahoos good one day; they have been pretty elusive for most everyone. Otherwise, been fortunate to harvest some really fat yellowfin on just about every single trip. This close in bite on the big girls should last into April, before we move offshore with the showing of tinker mackerels, which are our first live baits of the year. Tuna usually run on the small side in April, but the bite is fast and furious and we see some of the biggest blue marlin of the year which come in and feed on the peanuts. April will find us focusing more on blue marlin and daytime swords. Check out my instagram page for more frequently updated pics. Working on a video now, with some good boatside footage of that big mako. Big thank you to everyone that has fished with me, and look forward to fishing with some more of you guys.
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